Football in Cambridge
The competition for Year 7 & 8 students is organised by Cambridge Football Club. For further information please go to the following Facebook page or webpage:
Term 4 - New Intro to Football program with Cambridge Football Club (CFC) for ages 6-14
This will be a fun skill based session for the kids to get comfortable with the skills used in Junior Football - without the pressure of a game environment.
Perfect for kids that have been thinking about maybe giving Football a go but are a bit nervous - and if parents want to join in with their kids they are more than welcome (free) - that way they can feel more comfortable too if they don't have a football background!
Football boots are preferred but not essential - they can wear runners if needed so that boots are not a barrier to participation.
Places are limited to 30 kids, however CFC will do their best to expand the program if interest is high as this is a new program for the club.
To register: go to the CFC website HERE
Then scroll down - if you have not been part of CFC before click on "New to Club"
Then use the "Winter U17" section (sounds confusing but it had to be set up that way)
Enter Player details, once you enter the DOB, the "choose teams" box at the bottom will show "Intro to Football" as the only option
Enter Parent/Guardian details
You will then progress through to the "shop" to confirm the total amount, agree to terms, then you'll see the summary and payment
Any questions can be directed to Jos Philip at